The blood bank in Karachi is one of the biggest in the country. It’s responsible for supplying blood to hospitals all over Karachi and Sindh province.
The blood bank was setup in 1988 as a response to the increasing demand for blood throughout Pakistan. Blood donors are needed more than ever in our increasingly mobile society. If you’re interested in getting involved and helping out, visit the website or call them to sign up!
Background of the Blood Bank
The blood bank in Karachi is one of the biggest in the country and has been providing quality blood services to the citizens of Karachi for over two decades.
The blood bank was established in 1992 and has since then grown to be one of the most successful health institutions in Pakistan.
The blood bank primarily relies on donations from individuals, organisations and government agencies to continue supplying high-quality blood products to Karachi residents.
The blood bank also conducts regular health screenings and immunisation programmes to keep its citizens safe both inside and outside the hospital setting.
Services offered by the Blood Bank
The blood bank in Karachi is one of the biggest in the country, and it offers a wide range of services to its patients. The blood bank has a storage capacity of 120,000 units, which means that it can provide enough blood for patients in need.
The blood bank also has a laboratory that can test blood samples for many diseases.
The Unit for Blood Banking and Transfusion
The blood bank in Karachi is one of the biggest in the country and it is constantly expanding to meet the growing need for blood. The blood bank has a wide range of products,
including both fresh and frozen blood. It also has a number of facilities, such as a laboratory and an x-ray room, which make it possible to process blood quickly and accurately.
ThebloodbankKarachi offers free blood screenings to people living in the city. This is especially important because there is a high demand for blood in Karachi,
due to the high population density and the fact that there are large numbers of people with poorly controlled diabetes. ThebloodbankKarachi also provides medical aid, including treatments for diseases such as leukemia and sickle cell anemia.
Types of Blood Banks in Pakistan
There are different types of blood banks in Pakistan depending on the region. The Karachi Blood Bank is one of the largest in the country and has a capacity to store up to 450,000 units of blood.
There are also smaller blood banks in other areas of the country that can store up to 30,000 units of blood.
The main purpose of a blood bank is to storeblood for patients who need it during an emergency. Blood banks also collect donations from people who want to help others in need. They then use this blood to treat patients who are suffering from diseases or injuries.
If you’re in Karachi and need blood, don’t worry — there’s a blood bank nearby. The blood bank in Karachi is one of the biggest in the country,
and it can supply you with just about any type of blood that you might need. So if you’re ever feeling sick or injured and need some help getting through your day, be sure to head to the nearest blood bank and get your fill.